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Fetal Kidnapping/Abduction: A Depraved and Evil Crime
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By Vernon J. Geberth, M.S, M.P.S., Fellow AAFSA

Unsolved Magazine, February 9, 2021

THE NEW EVIL:  Understanding the Emergence of Modern Violent Crime
   [Online link]
By Michael H. Stone, MD & Gary Brucato, PhD

"This remarkable compendium of 'evil' should be in the libraries of psychologists, psychiatrists, prosecutors, homicide investigators, criminal attorneys, and anyone with an interest in the criminal mind throughout the world. The extensive research alone makes this a benchmark text. The authors explain and define the elements of evil and illustrate to the reader this abhorrent evil from psychosis to psychopathy, ranging from crimes of passion to sexual serial murder. The text consists of the Scales of Depravity that uses a twenty-two-point gradation system to classify evil based on actual case studies encompassing information from over 780 research and clinical sources, which elucidate concise and detailed information about the psychodynamics and psychopathology of maladaptive behavior as it relates to murder."

-- Cmdr. Vernon J. Geberth, MS, MPS, Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and author of Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation

This book is an extensive compendium of current research and data on the subject of "Evil". The authors prepared an extensive literature research with concise and detailed information from over 780 sources which they utilized to "quantify" evil in a 22-Point Gradation. The degrees of evil associated with various murderous acts are an elusive subject which is extremely difficult to articulate and understand. However, by using cases and vignettes to explain and define these acts, the reader is exposed to the spectrum of evil from psychosis to psychopathy.

The various vignettes encompass crimes of passion, jealousy and revenge and quickly escalate to impetuous and highly narcissistic murders to Spree or Multiple murders including school shootings. The Scale of Depravity continues with evil acts that are breathtakingly awful as we read and grasp our personal feelings of horror and disgust as we are exposed to the monstrous machinations of psychopathic sexual sadists. These human predators visit upon their victims an excessive degree of suffering, pain degradation, which can only be defined as truly evil. These particular individuals are classified the highest end of the Gradations of Evil Scale.

The authors provide an algorithm to facilitate the use of the Gradations of Evil Scale, which they emphasize, is not an empirically validated measure, or intended for clinical or legal use. However, the algorithm assists in assigning a classification to a particular individual based on a comparison of the cases presented in their book.

Article: 30 Years of DNA Technology
   [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., Forensic Magazine Digital Edition, March 13, 2017

Click here: full digital copy of Forensic Magazine, with an introduction from the editor.

Sexual Homicide by Older Male Offenders   [Email Article]

Familial Searching, Used in 10 States and Counting, Solves the Unsolvable   [Email Article]

Article by Seth Augenstein, Senior Science Writer for
Forensic Magazine Digital Edition, December 8, 2016

Vernon Geberth proposes that all state agencies should avail themselves with this modern crime fighting tool and not be swayed by certain civil rights groups who complain that it's an intrusion of privacy. "Science is science," "It doesn't have an agenda and should be allowed to identify violent and dangerous offenders."


Staged Crime Scenes: Suicide, Murder or Disappearance?    [Email Article]

Article by Seth Augenstein, Senior Science Writer for Forensic Magazine Digital Edition, December 8, 2016

Vernon Geberth disputes an academic author's theory that there is an epidemic of staged Crime Scenes. "We've always had staged crime scenes. We have more cases now where people are trying to mislead cops," he said. "But it is not an epidemic."

Law Enforcement Officers as Offenders    [Email Article]
PI Magazine, September/October 2016

Crime staging by offenders with law enforcement experience are problematic for investigators because the actual presentation and position of the body in the scene as well as the crime scene itself will imitate what an actual burglary, rape, robbery, accident or suicide scene should look like based on their experience with police procedures and prior events. The author illustrates this phenomenon with practical applications of procedures and techniques from his textbook and a case review of two national news stories which covered these events.

Crime Scene Staging: A Mysterious Police Death    [Email Article]
On September 1st, 2015 began one of highest profile investigations the Lake County Illinois community had ever witnessed.

The death of Fox Lake Lt. Glinewicz was investigated as a homicide. His cause of death resulted from a gunshot wound to his chest piercing his main pulmonary artery. The angle of the shot indicated that this was not an accidental shooting, but a deliberate act to kill a person. When first responding officers arrived on the scene there first reaction was to search for three potential suspects that Gliniewicz had radioed in. However as the investigation progressed there were indicators that Glinewicz had wanted investigators to think he was killed by others by staging his own death. Investigators continued their investigation to a broader death investigation exploring all possibilities.

Vernon J. Geberth, June 2016, Forensic Magazine Digital Edition

The Aftermath of "Soaked in Bleach"- Part I    [Email Article]
Knows Not What It Means
By Silvia K., June 2016

The documentary "Soaked in Bleach" gave the impression that Kurt Cobain had been murdered. I was one of the experts interviewed during this documentary and was not happy that the producers made it appear that I agreed with their "homicide" theory. I had made it quite clear that I believed that Kurt Cobain took his own life and backed up my opinion with the facts that I had obtained from the Seattle Police Department's Homicide Division coupled with my own experience with suicide cases.
~ Vernon Geberth

The Long Island Serial Murder Case - An Overview

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   [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, December 2015.
Fetal Kidnapping: The Extraction of a Fetus from a Pregnant Victim  [Corrected Article 12/30/2015]      [Email Article]

  Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S.
   PI Magazine, October 2015.

Criminal Investigative Analysis in Sex-Related Homicide      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., July 2015.
Review of: Autoerotic Deaths: Practical Forensic and Investigative Perspectives  [Email Article]
Barbara C. Wolf, M.D., Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 59, No. 3, May, 2014.
The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., Law & Order, Vol. 61, No. 1, January, 2013.
Black Sexual Serial Killer Research      [Email Article]
There exists a myth that there are hardly any Black serial killers and/or that Black serial killers are a rarity. This perception most likely is based on the media coverage on Television and/or the Hollywood movies like Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal which exclusively focused on White serial killers. This Research Paper dispels this myth with an historical discussion entitled: "The Imperceptible Phenomenon of Black Sexual Serial Killers" along with a complete alphabetical listing of the 155 offenders in this study by name, state, number of victims killed, race of the victims that were killed and the method that the offender used to kill his victims along with the dates of their rampage.

Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., P.H.I. Investigative Consultants, Inc. Copyright 2012
State Sponsored Torture in Rome: A Forensic Inquiry and Medicolegal Analysis of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., P.H.I. Investigative Consultants, Inc. Copyright 2008 and Updated Version 2012.
Black Serial Killers: the Perception vs Reality by Vernon Geberth, M.S., M.P.S.      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, PI Magazine, Vol 26, February. 2012, pp 42-47.
Supervision and Management: How to be an Effective Homicide Commander by Vernon Geberth      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, Law & Order, Vol. 59, No. 11, November, 2011. Article expanded for research.
Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation: Practical and Clinical Perspectives, Second Edition by Vernon Geberth      [Email Article]
A review by Dr. Frank Horvath Ph.D., Journal of Forensic Sciences, July 2011.
Agonal Sequences in 14 Filmed Hangings with Comments on the Role of the Type of Suspension, Ischemic Habituation, and Ethanol Intoxication on the Timing of Agonal Responses      [Email Article]
Sauvageau, Anny, MD, MSc, Romano LaHarpe, MD, David King, MD, Graeme Dowling, MD, Sam Andrews, MD, Sean Kelly, MD, Corrine Ambrosi, MD, Jean-Pierre Guay, PhD, and Vernon J. Geberth, MS, MPS for the Working Group on the Human Asphyxia, Am J Forensic Med Pathol Vol 32, Number 2, June 2011.
Amazing Advances in Forensic Science Part 3: Firearms and Ballistics      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, Law & Order, Vol. 58, No. 10, October, 2010. Article expanded for research.
Amazing Advances in Forensic Science Part 2: Advances in Criminalistics      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, Law & Order, Vol. 58, No. 9, September, 2010. Article expanded for research.
Agonal Sequences in Eight Filmed Hangings: Analysis of Respiratory and Movement Responses to Asphyxia by Hanging.      [Email Article]
Article by Sauvageau, Anny, M.D., M. Sc. ; Romano LaHarpe, M.D. ; Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., Journal of Forensic Science, August, 2010.
Crime Scene Staging: An Exploratory Study of the Frequency and Characteristics of Sexual Posing in Homicides      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon Geberth, M.S., M.P.S, Investigative Sciences Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, July 2010.
Amazing Advances in Forensic Science Part 1: DNA      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, Law & Order, Vol. 58, No. 6, June, 2010. Pp 26-31.
Uniform Officer Duties at the Crime Scene      [Email Article]
Article by Dean Scovell, To Preserve and Protect, Vol. 34, No. 2, February, 2010.
Frequency of Body Posing in Homicides      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon Geberth, M.S., M.P.S, Law and Order Magazine, Vol. 58 No. 2 February, 2010.
Picture Poison: Viewing Pornography for a Living Can Be Deadly      [Email Article]
Article by Judith Resiman, Salvo 10, Autumn 2009.
Elderly victim: an unusual autoerotic fatality involving an 87-year-old male
Article by Anny Sauvageau and Vernon J. Geberth, Humana Press, June 2009.
The Real Mason Verger: The Man Who Fed His Face to the Dogs      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M. P.S., Lt. Cmdr. (Ret.) N.Y.P.D. Former Commander of Bronx Homicide for the New York City Police Department
Fantasy Drawings and Their Significance in Criminal Investigative Analysis      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation Reprint: Law and Order, Vol. 56, No. 10, October, 2008. Article Expanded for Research.
Missteps At the Homicide Crime Scene      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. PI Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 3, May/June, 2008. Article Expanded for Research.
State Sponsored Torture in Rome: A Forensic Inquiry and Medicolegal Analysis of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Reprint from the AAFS Proceedings Annual Scientific Meeting Washington, D.C. February 18-23, 2008.
10 Most Common Errors in Death Investigations: Part 2      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Law and Order Magazine, Vol. 56, No. 1, January, 2008. Article Expanded for Research.
10 Most Common Errors in Death Investigations: Part 1      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Law and Order Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 11, November, 2007. Article Expanded for Research.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Law and Order Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 3, March, 2007. Article Expanded for Research.
Estimating The Time Of Death in Practical Homicide Investigations      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Law and Order Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 3, March, 2007. Article Expanded for Research.
Crime Scene Staging and Alterations: The CSI Effect on Criminal Investigations      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. PI Magazine: Journal of Professional Investigators, Vol. 20, Number 2, April 2007. Article has been expanded for research.
The Preliminary Investigation at the Scene: The Detectives©      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. Law and Order Magazine, Volume 54, No 9 September, 2006. Article has been expanded for research.
Professional Homicide Investigation      [Email Article]
Article by Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. PI Magazine: Journal of Professional Investigators, June 2006.
Homicides Involving The Theft of a Fetus From a Pregnant Victim      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth. Law and Order, Vol. 54, No. 3, March, 2006. Article expanded for research.
Why Do Kids Kill Their Parents?      [Email Article]
Article by RUBÉN ROSARIO, TwinCities.com, PIONEER PRESS
First Officer's Duties at the Homicide Scene©      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth. Law and Order, Vol. 53, No. 9, September, 2005. Article Expanded for Research.
Meet Mr. Murder, An Interview with Vernon Geberth      [Email Article]
Article by Warren Sonne, CLI, PI Magazine: Journal of Professional Investigators, March 2005.
An Interview with Vernon J. Geberth      [Email Article]
Morality in Media, Inc
An Equivocal Death Investigation with Staged Crime Scene: "Death Classified as Undetermined Manner"      [Email Article]
Vernon J. Geberth. Law and Order, Vol. 53, No. 3, March , 2005. Article Expanded for Research.
The Sexual Criminal's Relationship to Porn      [Email Article]
An interview with retired NYPD Detective Raymond Pierce, August 31, 2000.
An Equivoval Death and Stage Crime Scene: "Making a Homicide Appear to be a Suicide"      [Email Article]
©2004 Vernon J. Geberth. Reprint: Law and Order, Vol. 52, No. 11, November, 2004. Article Expanded for Research.
The Investigative Significance of Fantasy in Sex-Related Incidents      [Email Article]
©2004 Vernon J. Geberth. Excerpt from Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation: Practical and Clinical Perspectives. CRC Press, LLC, 2003.
Review of Chapter 14: Psychopathic Sexual Sadism
from Sex-Related Homicide and Investigation, by Vernon J. Geberth
A Clinical Study By Dr. Robert Hare, Ph.D
      [Email Article]
Dr. Robert D. Hare, Ph. D. is Professor of Psychology working in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada. Dr. Hare has researched psychopaths for more than a quarter of a century, and has done extensive research on psychopathy.
Sex-Related Child Abduction Homicides      [Email Article]
©2004 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Reprint: Law and Order, Vol. 52, No. 3, March, 2004. Article Expanded for Research.
The Homicide Crime Scene      [Email Article]
©2003 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Reprint: Law and Order, Vol. 51, No. 11, November, 2003 Article. Expanded for Research.
Collection And Preservation Of Physical Evidence In Sex-Related Death Investigations      [Email Article]
©2003 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Reprint: Law and Order, Vol. 51, No. 7, July, 2003 Article Expanded for Research Material
Practical Crime Scene Investigation: Legal Considerations      [Email Article]
©2003 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Law and Order Magazine, May, 2003, Vol. 51, No. 5
Domestic Violence Lust Murder: A Clinical Perspective of Sadistic and Sexual Fantasies Integrated into Domestic Violence Dynamics      [Email Article]
©2000 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Law and Order Magazine, November, 2000 Vol. 48 No. 11
An Equivocal Death: Homicide or Suicide?      [Email Article]
©2000 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
Law and Order Magazine, July 2000, Vol. 48 No. 7
Domestic Violence Homicides      [Email Article]
©1998 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, November 1998
Detective Rotation: An Enigma      [Email Article]
©1998 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, October 1998
Anatomy of a Lust Murder      [Email Article]
©1998 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, May 1998
The Psychology of Suicide: An Investigative Assessment      [Email Article]
©1996 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, October 1996
The Staged Crime Scene      [Email Article]
©1996 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, February 1996
The Classification of Sex-Related Homicides      [Email Article]
©1996 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
The "Signature" Aspect of Criminal Investigation      [Email Article]
©1995 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, November 1995
Homosexual Serial Murder Investigation       [Email Article]
©1995 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, June 1995
Psychopathic Sexual Sadists      [Email Article]
©1995 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, April 1995
Professional Homicide Investigation: A Personal Perspective      [Email Article]
©1995 Vernon J. Geberth, Practical Homicide Investigation
LAW and ORDER Magazine, March 1995

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